Holy Ark Chapter No. 304

Royal Arch Masons, State of New York

“Paying the Best in Masonic Wages”


Greetings Companions,

I am so pleased to be installed as High Priest of the Holy Ark Chapter. I served this Chapter as High Priest in 2007 and I am honored that you have given me an opportunity to serve again.

We need to build upon the progress that we have made in the Chapter. We have a full trestle board. Our degree cycle starts in February and we will also confer the Past Master Degree at Raymond’s Ponds later this summer. On October 18, 2023, will again host the district Charity Table Chapter.

This is an exciting time and this will be an awesome year! We welcome your full participation!

With Fervency and Zeal,
RE James R. KIntzel High Priest